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Donation Methods:

You have the power to bring happiness!

Option 1: SENDWAVE
Phone number: +256-772-02-64-57
Name: Kisande Abel

Banking information
Name of the bank: Centenary Rural Development Bank Limited
Account holder: Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable Community Information Centre
Account number: 32 01 95 19 31
Branch: Bwera
Branch address: Plot 102, Bukonjo Block Bwera Town   Uganda Tel: +256 414 663 197/ +256 712 751 729
Swift code/BIC: CERBUGKA
City: Kampala

Intermediary bank details
Name and address of bank: CITIBANK N.A NEWYORK 111 WALL STREET NEWYORK 10043
Swift address: CITIUS33
Fed Routing NO: 021000089
Title of account: Centenary Rural Development Bank Ltd
Our swift address: CERBUGKA
Account Number: 36022172 (US DOLLAR ACCOUNT)
Beneficiary Name: Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable community
Information centre
Account Number: 32 01 95 19 31
Branch: Bwera